Welcome!You are a Spirit- A Child of God!

        First, this is not some New Age site, attempting to dazzle you with mysteriousness. But it is a site to encourage growth and development of the Inner Self - the Spirit. You will discover books, links, stories, and the occasional blatant commercial, all designed to benefit you if you so choose. It is a site perpetually under construction and you may discover that some links will not work. (Contact us when that happens!)
        New pages and information will constantly be added to this site, and if you wish to be notified of new information, please sign up under the Be Notified link.
 The presence of your physical earth body demonstrates how brave you are to attempt life in this form. As a Spirit focusing upon a physical body, you are a brave soul!
        Explore, learn, and grow in Spirit and in Truth.

Spiritual News and Information

Books Available

Three books written by Dr. Evans are available:
The Rainbow Promise - Revealing the Biblical book of Revelation to be a positive description of our journey in becoming the Christ.
Ye'shua: The Advent - The story of the Essene preparation for and the birth of Ye'shua (Jesus).
Meditation on the Run - A short ebook of meditation for busy people.

Read some true encounters of people under hypnosis as they experience a past life.

Listen to recorded teachings of channeled entities who, in times past, have been in the physical body.

All material (unless otherwise noted) on this website is copyrighted (© 2019-2021) by William H. Evans. Fair usage is not limited as long as the source is given as this website. Please respect the work and give credit where due.